The names of the days of the week
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Sp. martes (and related words)
- Part 3: Sp. lunes and related words
- Part 4: Sp. miércoles and related words
- Part 5: Sp. jueves and related words
- Part 6: Sp. viernes and related words
- Part 7: Sp. sábado and related words
- Part 8: The word for 'day'
- Part 9: Sp. 'domingo' and related words
Words about sex and gender
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Eng. sex ~ Sp. sexo
- Part 3: Eng. sexual ~ Sp. sexual
- Part 4: Eng. sexuality ~ Sp. sexualidad
- Part 5: Eng. gender ~ Sp. género - Lat. gĕnus
- Part 6: Eng. gender ~ Sp. género - Sp. género
- Part 7: Eng. gender ~ Sp. género - Eng. gender
- Part 8: Eng. gender ~ Sp. género - The meaning of Eng. gender revisited
- Part 9: Eng. gender ~ Sp. género - The meaning of Sp. género revisited
- Part 10: Eng. genus and Eng. genre
- Part 11: Excursus: Eng. male and Eng. female
The names of the months and the seasons
- Part 1: Introduction to the Roman calendar
- Part 2: The first four months
- Part 3: The names of months 5 and 6
- Part 4: The names of months 7-10
- Part 5: The names of the seasons
Words about religion and holidays
- Part 1: Easter
- Part 2: Halloween, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day
- Part 3: May Day
- Part 4: Eng. Christmas and Sp. Navidad
Slaves and slavery
- Part 1: Introduction: Slavery
- Part 2: The Slavs and their languages
- Part 3: Eng. slave ~ Sp. esclavo and Eng. Slav ~ Sp. eslavo
- Part 4: Eng. enslave and Sp. esclavizar
- Part 5: Eng. slavery and Sp. esclavitud
- Part 6: Eng. ciao ~ Sp. chao/chau
- Part 7: Lat. sĕrvus: Eng. serf ~ Sp. siervo
- Part 8: Words derived from Lat. sĕrvus: Lat. sĕrvīlis
- Part 9: Words derived from Lat. sĕrvus: Lat. sĕrvĭtūdō and sĕrvĭtūs
- Part 10: Words derived from Lat. sĕrvus: Lat. sĕrvīre and derived verbs
- Part 11: Words derived from Lat. sĕrvus: Lat. servāre and derived verbs, Introduction
- Part 12: Words derived from Lat. sĕrvus: Lat. servāre and derived verbs
- Part 13: Words derived from Lat. sĕrvus: Eng. servant and Sp. sirviente (etc.)
- Part 14: Words derived from Lat. sĕrvus: Eng. sergeant ~ Sp. sargento/a
- Part 15: Words derived from Lat. sĕrvus: Lat. sĕrvĭtĭum
- Part 16: Words derived from Lat. sĕrvus: Sp. servilleta ~ Eng. serviette
- Part 17: Other slavery-related words: Eng. bondage and Sp. villanaje
- Part 18: Other slavery-related words: Eng. robot ~ Sp. robot
- Part 19: Other slavery-related words: Eng. manumission ~ Sp. manumisión
- Part 20: Other slavery-related words: Eng. emancipation ~ Sp. emancipación and Sp. mancebo/a
- Part 21: Other slavery-related words: Eng. indenture
The Latin root LAC-
- Part 1: Latin laqueus and the words derived from it
- Part 2: Verbs derived from the root -laqu-/-lac- (i)
- Part 3: Verbs derived from the root -laqu-/-lac- (ii)
- Part 4: Verbs derived from the root -laqu-/-lac- (iii)
- Part 5: Latin dēlĭcātus and its descendants
Urgent emergencies
The Latin root TEND-
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Lat. tĕndĕre
- Part 3: Lat. attĕndĕre
- Part 4: Lat. contĕndĕre
- Part 5: Lat. distĕndĕre
- Part 6: Lat. extĕndĕre
- Part 7: Lat. ĭntĕndĕre
- Part 8: Lat. ostĕndĕre
- Part 9: Lat. portĕndĕre
- Part 10: Lat. praetĕndĕre
- Part 11: Lat. protĕndĕre
Personal names
- Part 1: Given names
- Part 2: Sources of given names
- Part 3: Hypocorisms
- Part 4: Sp. Santiago, Diego, Jaime and Jacobo & Eng. James and Jacob
Grapes, raisins, and wine
Some descendants of Latin comparatives
The suffixes Eng. -(a)tion ~ Sp. -(a)ción and some of the verbs that have them
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: The suffixes Eng. -(a)tion ~ Sp. -(a)ción (a)
- Part 3: The suffixes Eng. -(a)tion ~ Sp. -(a)ción (b)
- Part 4: The suffixes Eng. -(a)tion ~ Sp. -(a)ción (c)
- Part 5: The suffixes Eng. -(a)tion ~ Sp. -(a)ción (d)
- Part 6: The suffixes Eng. -(a)tion ~ Sp. -(a)ción (e)
- Part 7: The suffixes Eng. -(a)tion ~ Sp. -(a)ción (f)
- Part 8: Some Latin verbs that had nouns with the suffix -ĭōn-
- Part 9: Some Latin verbs that had nouns with the suffix -ĭōn-
- Part 10: Some Latin verbs that had nouns with the suffix -ĭōn-
- Part 11: Some Latin verbs that had nouns with the suffix -ĭōn-
- Part 12: Some Latin verbs that had nouns with the suffix -ĭōn-
- Part 13: Some Latin verbs that had nouns with the suffix -ĭōn-
- Part 14: Some Latin verbs that had nouns with the suffix -ĭōn-
- Part 15: Some Latin verbs that had nouns with the suffix -ĭōn-
Words for family relations (relatives)
- Part 1a: Main words for Mother and Father
- Part 1b: Main words for Mother and Father
- Part 1c: Main words for Mother and Father
- Part 1d: Main words for Mother and Father
- Part 1e: Main words for Mother and Father
- Part 2a: Words for Spouses: Husband
- Part 2b: Words for Spouses: Wife
- Part 2c: Words for Spouses: Other
- Part 3a: Words for sons and daughters (children)
- Part 3b: Words for sons and daughters (children)
- Part 4a: Word for brothers and sisters
- Part 4b: Word for brothers and sisters
- Part 4c: Word for brothers and sisters
- Part 5: Cousins, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, and grandchildren
- Part 6: Family relations by marriage: in-laws and step relatives
Words about emotions
- Part 1: Emotions: An introduction
- Part 2: Origins of the word emotion and its cognates
- Part 3: Other words to refer to emotions
- Part 4: Words derived from Eng. emotion and Sp. emoción
- Part 5: Eng. feeling and feel; Sp. sentir, sentimiento
- Part 6: Eng. sense, Sp. seso and related words
- Part 7: Eng. sentient and related words
Some English loanwords in Spanish
Infectious diseases
- Part 1a: Introduction
- Part 1b: Synonyms of Eng. disease and Sp. enfermedad
- Part 1c: Other words related to illness and infection
- Part 1d: Major types of disease-causing microorganisms
- Part 2: Influenza
- Part 3: The common cold
- Part 4: Herpes
- Part 5: Shingles
- Part 6: Eng. vaccine & Sp. vacuna
- Part 7: Lymphogranuloma venereum infection
- Part 8: Malaria (paludism)
- Part 9: Measles (Sp. sarampión)
- Part 10: Meningitis
- Part 11: Mumps (Sp. paperas)
- Part 12: Pediculosis
- Part 13: Plague (Sp. peste)
- Part 14: Poliomyelitis (Polio)
- Part 15: Rabies (Sp. rabia)
- Part 16: Rubella (German measles) (Sp. rubéola)
- Part 17: Salmonellosis (or salmonella) (Sp. salmonelosis or salmonela)
- Part 18: Scabies (Sp. sarna)
- Part 19: Smallpox (Sp. viruela)
- Part 20: MRSA (Sp. SARM)
- Part 21: Staph Food Poisoning
- Part 22: Streptococcal infections
- Part 23: Syphilis (Sp. sífilis) and related diseases
- Part 24: Tuberculosis
Spices, herbs, and other condiments
- Part 1: Herbs and Spices
- Part 2: Eng. salt and Sp. sal
- Part 3: Condiments and seasonings
- Part 4: Other words about flavoring food
- Part 5: Eng. chili (pepper) and Sp. chile/pimiento/ají
- Part 6: Eng. allspice and Sp. pimienta jamaiquina
- Part 7: Eng. anise and Sp. anís
- Part 8: Eng. basil (Sp. albahaca)
- Part 9: Eng. bay leaf & Sp. laurel
- Part 10: Eng. caper and Sp. alcaparra
- Part 11: Eng. celery and Sp. apio
- Part 12: Eng. chili powder/paprika and Sp. pimentón/paprika
- Part 13: Eng. chives and Sp. cebollino
- Part 14: Eng. coriander/cilantro and Sp. cilantro/coriandro & culantro
- Part 15: Eng. cinnamon and Sp. canela
- Part 16: Eng. clove and Sp. clavo
- Part 17: Eng. cumin and Sp. comino
- Part 18: Eng. curry and Sp. curry/curri
- Part 19: Eng. ginger and Sp. jengibre
- Part 20: Eng. horseradish and Sp. rábano picante
The suffixes Eng. -age ~ Sp. -aje
- Part 1: Sp. lenguaje vs. Eng. language
- Part 2: Sp. lengua vs. Sp. idioma and Eng. idiom
- Part 3: Sp. idiota ~ Eng. idiot
- Part 4: Sp. idiosincrasia and Eng. idiosyncrasy
- Part 5: Sp. lingüístico/a & lingüística vs. Eng. linguistic & linguistics
- Part 6: Lat. lingua and Eng. tongue (and cunnilingus)
- Part 7: The source of words in Sp. -aje and Eng. -age
- Part 8: Some common, older words in Eng. -age and Sp. -aje
- Part 9: Sp. viaje ~ Eng. voyage (a)
- Part 10: Sp. viaje ~ Eng. voyage (b)
- Part 11: Latin verbs derived from vĭa (a)
- Part 12: Latin verbs derived from vĭa (b)
- Part 13: Latin verbs derived from vĭa (c)
- Part 14: Latin verbs derived from vĭa (d)
- Part 15: Latin verbs derived from vĭa (e)
- Part 16: Spanish words in -aje (a)
- Part 17: Spanish words in -aje (b): abordaje, alunizaje, amperaje, anclaje
- Part 18: Spanish words in -aje (c): andamiaje, aprendizaje
- Part 19: Spanish words in -aje (d): arbitraje, aterrizaje
- Part 20: Spanish words in -aje (e): bagaje, brebaje
- Part 21: Spanish words in -aje (f): bricolaje, camuflaje
- Part 22: Spanish words in -aje (g): chantaje, coraje
- Part 23: Spanish words in -aje (h): correaje, cronometraje, doblaje
- Part 24: Spanish words in -aje (i): dopaje, drenaje
- Part 25: Spanish words in -aje (j): embalaje and engranaje
- Part 26: Spanish words in -aje (k)
Patrimony and matrimony (patr- and -mony)
The Latin roots VERT- & VERS-
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Derived verbs (1)
- Part 3: The words universe and university
- Part 4: Lat. convert- and convers-
- Part 5: Lat. sŭbvĕrt- and pervĕrt-
- Part 6: Lat. revert- and invert-
- Part 7: Lat. avert and obvert
- Part 8: Lat. divert- and transvert-
- Part 10: introvert and extrovert
- Part 11: Other Latin verbs derived from vĕrtĕre
- Part 12: Lat. vertex and vortex
- Part 13: Lat. vertigo
- Part 14: Lat. vice versa and vertebra
Sp. olvidar and Eng. oblivion
The words test and prueba, and related words
- Part 1: Introduction: The word test in Spanish
- Part 2: English test
- Part 3: Translating the English noun test (and related nouns) into Spanish
- Part 4: How to translate the English verb to test into Spanish
- Part 5: Sp. probar and Eng. prove
- Part 6: Sp. prueba and Eng. proof and probe
- Part 7: Other words with descendants of the root prŏb-
- Part 8: Other words containing the root prŏb-: Eng. approve ~ Sp. aprobar-
- Part 9: Lat. ĭmprŏbāre and rĕprŏbāre and related words
- Part 10: Sp. comprobar
- Part 11: Eng. probable ~ Sp. probable and related adverbs
- Part 12: Latin nouns derived from Lat. prŏbāre
An enchanting chant: The Latin root CAN-
Words derived from Latin verbs of sitting
- Part 1: Verbs of sitting in English
- Part 2: Verbs of sitting in Latin and Spanish
- Part 3: Words derived from Lat. sĕdēre, Introduction
- Part 4: Lat. possĭdēre (and possīdĕre)
- Part 5: Words derived from unprefixed sĕdēre
- Part 6: Words derived from Lat. assĭdēre and assīdĕre
- Part 7: Lat. dēsĭdēre and dēsīdĕre
- Part 8: Lat. dĭssĭdēre (and dĭssĕntīre)
- Part 9: Lat. īnsĭdēre and īnsīdĕre
- Part 10: Lat. obsĭdēre and obsīdĕre (and obsĭdĭāri)
- Part 11: Lat. praesĭdēre
- Part 12: Lat. rĕsĭdēre
- Part 13: Lat. subsīdĕre (and subsĭdēre?)
- Part 14: Lat. sŭpersĕdēre
Verbs of asking in English and Spanish
- Part 1: Introduction and Nouns derived from Lat. sĭgnum
- Part 2: Lat. sĭgnāre and its descendants
- Part 3: Verbs and nouns derived from the root sĭgnāre by prefixation
Compañero and companion
The numbers
The word 'insect' and related words of cutting
Embarrassing Pregnancies
Vascular accidents
Eng. discuss and Sp. discutir
- Part 1: Introduction: Lat. dĭscŭtĕre
- Part 2: Eng. discuss and Sp. discutir
- Part 3: Eng. discussion ~ Sp. discusión
- Part 4: Other words related to Eng. discuss ~ Sp. discutir
- Part 5: Other words derived ultimately from lat. quătĕre
- Part 6: Lat. concŭtĕre
- Part 7: Lat. percŭtĕre
- Part 8: Lat. recŭtĕre
- Part 9: Lat. succŭtĕre
- Part 10: Lat. quăssāre: Intro. and Sp. quejar(se)
- Part 11: Lat. quăssāre: Sp. aquejar
- Part 12: Sp. queja, quejumbre, and quejazón
- Part 13: Sp. quejido
- Part 14: quejoso/a etc.
- Part 15: Eng. quash and squash, and Sp. casar and concuasar
- Part 16: Sp. cascar and related words
Words for mushrooms and other fungi
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Fungi: Introduction
- Part 3: Fungi: Eng. fungus and Sp. hongo
- Part 4: Fungi: Eng. fungal and Sp. fúngico/a
- Part 5: Fungi: Eng. mycology ~ Sp. micología
- Part 6: Mushrooms: Introduction
- Part 7: Mushrooms: Eng. mushroom
- Part 8: Mushrooms: Sp. hongo, Sp. seta, and Sp. callampa
- Part 9: Mushrooms: Eng. champignon ~ Sp. champiñón
- Part 10: Common mushrooms: Shiitake or black mushroom
- Part 11: Common mushrooms: Maitake or hen-of-the-woods mushroom
- Part 12: Common mushrooms: Chicken-of-the-woods mushroom
- Part 13: Common mushrooms: Oyster mushroom (hiratake)
- Part 14: Common mushrooms: King trumpet mushroom
- Part 15: Common mushrooms: Enoki or enokitake mushroom
- Part 16: Common mushrooms: Beech mushroom
- Part 17: Common mushrooms: Chanterelle mushroom
- Part 18: Common mushrooms:
Inspiration and perspiration
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Source and variations on the suffixes Eng. -tion and Sp. -ción
- Part 3: The suffixes Eng. -ation and Sp. -ación
- Part 4: Other forms of the suffix in English and Spanish
- Part 5: More on the history of the suffixes Sp. -ción and Eng. -tion
- Part 6: English words that end in -tion and -sion
- Part 7: Verbs derived from nouns in Eng. -ion and Sp. -ión
- Part 8: Latin verbs that had nouns with the suffix -ĭōn-
- Part 9: Eng. inspire and Sp. inspirar
- Part 10: Eng. respire ~ Sp. respirar
- Part 11: Eng. aspire ~ Sp. aspirar
- Part 12: Eng. expire ~ Sp. expirar
- Part 13: Eng. perspire & Eng. transpire ~ Sp. transpirar
- Part 14: Eng. conspire and Sp. conspirar
- Part 15: Eng. improvise ~ Sp. improvisar
Odds and ends
- Yes, sir! ¡Sí, señor! Oui, monsieur!
- The terms Hispanic and Latino
- Eng. American and Sp. americano
- Revenge, vengeance, and vindication
- Eng. jubilation ~ Sp. jubilación
- Greek letters in the names of fraternities and honor societies
- Intimate intimacy
- Sp. cariño and related words
- Eng. nut and Sp. nuez
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