The Spanish word embarazada
and the English word embarrassed are cognates
in the sense used in this book, for they derive from a common source. However,
they are a classic example of false friends, since the two words have such seemingly
different meanings. Spanish embarazada,
pronounced /ɾa.ˈsa.da/ or
/ɾa.ˈθa.da/,[1] depending
on the dialect, means ‘pregnant’ in English. On the other hand, English embarrassed /ɪm.ˈbæ.ɹəst/
means ‘feeling awkward, self-conscious, or ashamed’ and it translates primarily
as avergonzado/a in Spanish.
Perhaps another reason that these words are such a canonical
example of false friends is that it is not uncommon for students of Spanish to feel
self-conscious about speaking up in class and they may sometimes want to express
that they are embarrassed, and if they use the adjective embarazada (or embarazado),
as in Estoy embarazada ‘I am
pregnant’, this is bound to raise some eyebrows and to be quite an embarrassing
experience. (Of course, for a male student to say Estoy embarazado would be
even more embarrassing.) At any rate, the story of how these words came to have
their meanings is quite interesting and can teach us something about the vagaries
of meaning change and word borrowing in general. Some aspects of these words’ histories
are a bit muddled and unclear, but we know enough to make sense of the big picture.
These two words
look very much like they should be ‘useful cognates’ (those that look alike and
have the same meaning), but they are not. However, if we go back far enough we find
that not only is there a historical connection between the two words, since they
derive from the same source, but also to some extent there is a connection between
the meanings of the modern-day words. Therefore, as you can imagine, the story of
how these words’ meanings have changed is quite interesting.
According to
the most credible sources, the story of these words starts in an Iberian Romance
language, either in Portuguese or in its neighbor and closely related language,
Leonese, which is still spoken in Spain and which exerted some influence on the
Spanish language, which originally was known only as Castilian. Leonese is spoken
in the area between where Galician-Portuguese is spoken and Castile, where Spanish
was born (cf. Part I, Chapter 9, §9.8.3).
Some dictionaries
put the origin of English embarrass in
Italian imbarrazzo, derived from barra ‘bar’, but that is most likely a mistake,
though this word may have had a role to play in the story of how the word got from
one language to another. We know that the verb embarazar, and its participle embarazado/a,
do not appear in writing in Spanish until the 15th century, which is
rather late. We also think that Spanish must have been borrowed it from Leonese
or Portuguese, where it already existed, sometime before that. After that, we find
it in French and Italian since the 16th century and it is pretty clear
that these languages got the word from Spanish. Finally, we do know for sure that
English got the word embarrass from French
embarrasser in the 17th century.
Sp. embarazada and embarazar
The modern Spanish verb embarazar comes from an earlier Old Spanish embaraçar, from an identical word in Leonese or Portuguese. The letter
〈ç〉 symbolized the sound [ʦ̪], which centuries later changed
to [s] or [θ] in Spanish,
after which the spelling was changed to 〈z〉 (cf. Part I, Chapter 7, §7.9.11, and Chapter 10, §10.5.3). The verb embaraçar was derived from the noun baraça in Leonese and Portuguese, which can
be translated into English as ‘(hunting) rope, cord, snare, trap’. This word is
not of Latin origin and it is thought it may have a pre-Romanic origin, Celtic in
particular, since eastern Spain was inhabited by Celts before the Romans arrived.
Thus, the original meaning of the verb embaraçar
was ‘to tie down with a rope; snare, trap’. Therefore, the original meaning of embarazada—and embarazado,
of course—was ‘tied down,
snared, trapped’.
rope, cord, snare, trap’
‘to snare, trap, snarl up, entangle’
‘trapped, ensnared, entangled’
A second figurative sense of the verb embaraçar developed even before the verb
was borrowed into Spanish and the original, literal meaning disappeared. These second
meaning is something like ‘to hinder, obstruct, block’. This is one of the main
meanings the word embaraçar still has
in modern Portuguese, though other related senses have cropped up (including supposedly
the sense ‘to embarrass’, cf. Table 150).
It is also the same main meaning that French embarrass has and, finally, it also the same meaning that embarrass had when it first appeared in English,
though the meaning has changed, as we shall see.
embaraçar ( modern Portuguese)
(impedir) to hinder,
(complicar) to complicate, (encabular) to embarrass, (confundir) to confuse, (obstruir)
to block
reflexive verb
(embaraçar-se) |
to become
Table 150: Meanings of modern Portuguese embaraçar
(including several transitive senses and one intransitive (reflexive) sense. In parentheses are the sense headings in Portuguese and next to it is the English translation (Collins))
(including several transitive senses and one intransitive (reflexive) sense. In parentheses are the sense headings in Portuguese and next to it is the English translation (Collins))
For a verb that meant ‘to trap, entangle, etc.’ to
come to meaning something less literal and more general, such as ‘to hinder, obstruct’
is not at all rare (see Part I, Chapter 3,
Although some dictionaries tell us that Spanish embarazar and embarazado/a can still have this ‘hinder’ meaning, the truth is that
probably no speaker of Spanish would use these words in that sense nowadays and
we can say that that sense is archaic, if not outright obsolete. The ‘hinder’ meaning
has been replaced in Spanish by a new meaning for the words embarazar and embarazada (there is no longer embarazado),
which now primarily mean, respectively, ‘to get someone pregnant’ (‘to knock up’
in slang) and ‘pregnant’. This new meaning has taken over the old one.
The original meaning of the word, ‘to hinder’, can be expressed
in Modern Spanish by verbs such as impedir,
estorbar, and dificultar. The original sense can still be seen in the derived verb
desembarazarse (de) ‘to rid oneself (of), to get rid (of)’ (des+en+baraz+ar+se), as in Me
desembaracé de mis perseguidores ‘I shook off my pursuers’.
There is a third sense of the stem embaraz‑ in Spanish, one that is related to the second one. This
sense can be found in the derived Spanish adjective embarazoso/a ‘awkward, troublesome, bothersome, annoying’ (en+baraz+os+o/a), as in una situación
embarazosa ‘an awkward situation’. This
‘bother, annoy’ sense is thought to have developed in French and to have come into
Spanish from French after the root was borrowed by French from Spanish.
It is not too difficult to imagine how the ‘pregnancy’ sense
of these words could have come changed from the earlier sense ‘to hinder, obstruct’.
The use of for this purpose must have started as a euphemism (cf. Part I,
Chapter 6,
Although we do not have evidence for this, the ‘pregnancy’ sense of the word embaraçada could very have started as a euphemism.
The new meaning became so prevalent and to render the original sense obsolete. As
for when exactly this change in the meaning of the word took place, it is not clear,
but it is likely it happened after the word was borrowed by French in the 16th
As we said earlier, embarazar
in Modern Spanish means ‘to make pregnant’, but it is likely that the
‘pregnancy’ sense was acquired first by the participle/adjective embarazada, and only later by the verb embarazar. Remember that the adjective embarazada is first and foremost the feminine
past participle of the verb embarazar.
Thus from the verb embarazar (en+baraz+ar) (‘to make pregnant’ in
Modern Spanish), the participle embarazada
is derived by means of the suffix ‑ad‑
and the feminine ‑a ending (en+baraz+ad+a).
Note that Spanish embarazada
is both an adjective and a past participle. Remember that Spanish, even more so
than English, can turn past participles into adjectives quite easily (cf. Part
I, Chapter 5).
Thus, for instance, Sp. abierto can
be an adjective meaning ‘open’, but it is derived from the homonymous past participle
abierto ‘opened’ of the verb abrir ‘to open’. And the Spanish
adjective callado ‘silent, quiet’ (as
in Juan es muy callado ‘Juan is very
quiet/a very quiet person’ or in Juan
está muy callado ‘Juan is very silent’), comes from the homonymous past participle
callado, ‘gone silent’ or ‘made to be
silent’, of the verb callar ‘to shut
up, be silent’.
Thus, we can see that in Modern Spanish, embarazada too can be both an adjective
and a past participle. The adjective embarazada
just means ‘pregnant’, as in Marta está
embarazada ‘Marta is pregnant’. But
the homonymous past participle embarazada,
from the verb embarazar ‘to make
pregnant’, means ‘made pregnant’ or, in English slang, ‘knocked up’, as in Marta fue embarazada ‘Marta was made
Eng. embarrass
The French verb embarrasser, from which English embarrass was borrowed as early as the 17th century has had several senses through the ages, some of which have at one point or another been used in English writing, as any dictionary will tell us, though they are not necessarily known to but a few speakers of Modern English. The Petit Robert French dictionary gives us two main senses for modern-day, transitive (non-reflexive) embarrasser, namely (1) to block, clutter, encumber and (2) to put in a difficult situation, to perplex, to make ill-at-ease (the Grand Robert French dictionary has many more senses, some of which are archaic).
The current meaning of the English verb embarrass clearly ranges from something identical to the second French
sense (‘awkward’) to a sense derived from it involving shame and bashfulness (‘ashamed’).
According to the OED this sense came into the existing English word embarrass in the 19th century.
The OED describes this sense as ‘to make (a person) feel awkward or ashamed, especially
by one’s speech or actions’. The COED dictionary describes the meaning as ‘to cause
to feel awkward, self-conscious, or ashamed’ (COED). Any other sense this word may
have had seems to be obsolete in current English. In other words, for most speakers
this is not only the main meaning of the word, but rather its only meaning.
Moving on to words that are derived from the verb embarrass, we have the derived form embarrassed, which can be a past tense verb
form (as in She embarrassed me), a past participle
(as in She has embarrassed me), or an adjective (as in She is
embarrassed) where no agency is involved.
This is the original word that we started the chapter speaking about, as in the
sentence I am embarrassed. All these words have Spanish equivalents derived from
the noun vergüenza, as we will see in
the next section.
Another derived word is the noun embarrassment, which is somewhat stronger than the adjective and can
be defined as ‘a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness’ (COED). There
is also an expression in English, embarrassment
of riches, which means something like ‘an overabundance of choices’, or
‘to be flustered/confused from so many good things to choose from’. The expression
comes from the title of a well-known 18th century French play L’embarras des richesses, with the same
meaning. Probably the most common way to express this in Spanish would be demasiado donde elegir (ESD-GU).
[1] The
sound [θ] is the sound
of the letter 〈z〉, as in zapato ‘shoe’,
and the letter 〈c〉 before 〈e〉 or 〈i〉, as in cereza
‘cherry’, in most of Spain. Most other speakers of Spanish (all of those
speakers outside Spain, or more than 90% of all Spanish speakers) pronounce
these letters the same as the letter 〈s〉, namely as [s]. From now
on we will not give the two possible pronunciations for words containing these
letters, but only the [θ]
sound. To convert these transcriptions to those of most speakers, replace [θ] with [s]. Do not be
concerned for now about the difference between square brackets [] and slanted
lines // to enclose transcriptions. This is explained in Part I, Chapter 7.
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